I decided to create this blog because I deleted my myspace, and facebook really has no formal blogging spot, or at least, I haven't found it yet.
I suppose I will start by naming a few new things happening in my life. First, I am finally finishing up with the phlebotomy class I took over the summer. I am doing my internship at a Winchester Lab, which I couldn't have been placed in a better location. My site manager is very knowledgeable, as she has been doing this for 30 years. I have learned and experienced a lot in just the two days I have been there. I think I really lucked out with scheduling, seeing as how I only have to work there Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, from 8am-5pm. Everything is going extremely well, and I am doing great at drawing blood. Also, my site manager spoke with her boss about possibly getting hired on at Winchester Hospital, and I have to fill out an application Friday for that! I really hope I get the position! Not only because I need to get a job in my field, but because Winchester Hospital was rated the number one company to work for in the state of Massachusetts!
I start school working towards my nursing degree on September 8th. It seems that we start school a lot later here than in North Carolina. I know students went back there this week, and I believe students go back here starting next week. My college starts late, and it also ends late as well. I think our last day of classes is December 20th, or somewhere around there. I think I have some pretty easy classes this semester, though. I am taking Writing, Math, and Intro to Psychology. Isaac (Buri's youngest brother) and I are taking the same math class this semester, so that will be fun I suppose. I am not looking forward to buying my books though! For only two of my classes, my books are almost $300 total! I am not sure of the third classes books though. I don't really want to know either. Hopefully all goes well with school. I don't think it is going to be a problem going to school three nights a week, and working full time. I haven't decided yet, but I will either be working first or third shift, hopefully. I would like second shift, but I have classes three nights a week during those hours, so it would be hard to get full time hours on that shift.
OH! Another big change in my life is I have recently decided to become vegetarian. Not because I am a hardcore PETA follower (though I do have high respect for animals), but because it is a much healthier lifestyle. I have done lots of research on vegetarianism, and have decided it is the best thing for me. I have never been a very big meat eater in the first place, and I think the hardest thing for me to give up would be beef, but that was actually the first thing I gave up. I haven't had beef in over a week, and before that, I had dramatically cut back on it after hearing that beef can cause the risk of heart disease to increase by 60% in women. I have been completely meatless for 4 days now, and I haven't even had a craving for it. I know it is going to happen though. I have prepared myself for it mentally. More than likely it is going to happen while I am out with friends having dinner, or cooking something with meat for the guys. Since I love to cook, I always cook a lot of homemade meals for the guys, which normally means I at least have to taste test it. I guess Buri is going to have to be my little taste tester from now on, at least when it comes to meaty meals. I haven't completely taken all meat out of my diet though. I still intend to eat fish, but eventually I would like to eliminate that as well. I will continue to eat dairy products though, because going vegan is not the smartest (or easiest) thing to do, from what I have read.
Buri and I have been doing very well, as always. He has been very helpful in helping me convert to vegetarianism, and I could not have done it without his encouragement and support. The only thing really new with us is that hopefully by November or December of this year we will be moving out and getting an apartment with Jose and Zoe. We decided that the only way for us to be able to move out of his father's house was to move out with roommates, and Jose and Zoe were looking to move out too, so who better to move out with?! Other than that, nothing new with us. We are going out to see an advance screening of The Final Destination in 3-D tomorrow night, so that is going to be fun. I worked REALLY hard to get the tickets for us. I checked websites at least 20 times a day to find codes and get passes.
Other than that, nothing too extravagant going on here. Just staying busy and having fun at the same time!
I will post more pictures and whatnot soon.

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